Can you get more Libido with Eroxel?

Maca equals matcha? Far from it. Both are stimulants, and can be used as a healthy substitute to coffee. However, it is important not to confuse the brown maca powder for the green matcha. The brown maca root also has health benefits. Peru is where the Maca plant (Lepidium myyenii) was first discovered. It has been a medicinal plant for centuries. The stimulating effects of Maca were known to the Incas. This page will tell you everything you need about Maca and its effects on your health.

Modal of Action

Plant steroids are found in maca root. Bodybuilding is often associated with steroids. To promote muscle growth, partially artificially manufactured steroids can be used. These preparations pose a health risk. Maca, unlike artificial preparations, promotes muscle growth in a natural manner, without posing any risk to your health. Since it is completely natural, it does not cause side effects. Eroxel contains Maca and other very potent natural plants. Taking it for a minimum of 6 months can make a difference in your sex life, especially if you suffer from impotence: Eroxel Original

Plant sterols in maca root inhibit cholesterol absorption, and are thus good for your health. Maca root also contains alkanoids, such as macaridin, lepidilins, glucisinolates, and macaenes. We don’t know much about the mechanism of its action. A study was done to determine the relationship between maca and sex hormones, e.g. No evidence of testosterone influence was found.

Health Effects

Maca root has a performance-enhancing effect, makes you alert and promotes concentration. It lowers cholesterol. A high cholesterol level can be dangerous for your health. A maca preparation is recommended for those who have low sexual desire or mild erectile problems. Maca can be used to induce a sexy response.

Studies on Maca and Sexuality

Study of 9 subjects shows that Maca can increase sperm count, motility, and sexual function. A second study found that Maca could increase sexual desire in men who consumed 1.5-3g per day for 8-12 weeks. In view of this, Eroxel contains Maca. This ensures its effectiveness in fighting impotence. If you take care of your diet, exercise regularly and consume Eroxel you will notice the changes almost instantly: Eroxel Test